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Mental Health Education
Personality Traits Associated with Depression
Depression is one of the most commonly diagnosed mental health disorders, and a few core personality traits can make some individuals...
Where Does OCD Stem From? The Core of OCD
The manifestation of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) centers around two core symptoms, obsessions, and compulsions. Symptoms can...
The Foundation of OCD: Genetic Links and Causes
With the advancements of new technologies, new opportunities to explore genetics in depth have also increased. These innovations have, in...
Anxious Depression Statistics
Understanding comorbidity with anxiety and depression means learning about the different ways these symptoms present themselves....
Review of Medication Used for Anxious Depression
Anxious depression occurs when a person with depression also has symptoms of anxious distress. Unfortunately, people with anxious...
What is Harm OCD?
As our understanding of obsessive-compulsive disorder (or OCD) deepens, mental health practitioners and researchers have managed to...
​​Effects of Depression on the Brain
The brain is the central hub for thoughts, emotions, and physiological processes, so it is no surprise that depression impacts it in so...
COVID-Related Mental Health Issues
COVID-Related Mental Health Mental health conditions can be biologically driven as well as environmentally. And the mind-body connection...
Depression Across Age Groups
When trying to understand the patterns and profiles of depression, age groups have been shown to play a deciding role in a greater...
Contamination OCD
Contamination OCD is a commonly misunderstood disorder. Learn what contamination OCD is, its primary symptoms, possible treatments, and...
An Alternative Conceptualization of OCD
Obsessive-compulsive disorder (or OCD) has been receiving a great deal of attention over the past two decades. The disorder combines...
Mental Health Stigmas
For centuries, individuals with mental health conditions have been misunderstood and treated poorly. Research and improved knowledge have...
Possible Side Effects of Antidepressants
Antidepressant Side Effects: Withdrawal and Stopping Your Medication Each individual has their own, unique combination of responses to...
What is Atypical Depression?
Depression is a unique experience for each individual, but sometimes it does not fit the standard mold. When it presents with distinctly...
​​What Does Depression Feel Like?
What Does Depression Feel Like? A Focus on the Emotional Symptoms of Depression Depression is an emotionally complex disorder, going...
Can You Prevent Depression?
Major depression, also known simply as depression, is a common mood disorder defined by symptoms of low mood and an inability to feel...
Choosing Treatment for Mild-to-Moderate Depression
Depression is among the most commonly diagnosed mental health disorders, with 18.5% of US adults having depression symptoms for at least...
Choosing Treatment for Severe Depression
As a recognized mental health disorder, depression can appear in all levels of intensity, duration, and through a variety of symptoms....
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