How Does Deep TMS Work?
TMS (Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation) is a technological breakthrough in the treatment of depression. The device uses magnetic fields to stimulate parts of the brain responsible for mood regulation and is able to provide relief from depressive symptoms with no systemic side effects. It is an outpatient and noninvasive procedure lasting about 20-minutes long. BrainsWay’s unique patented H-coil design allows the magnetic field to reach deeper into the brain and impact a broader area, ensuring that the target brain region is stimulated.

What’s the Deep TMS Procedure?
Deep TMS therapy is a simple and well-tolerated treatment for both Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). To receive treatment, you must be diagnosed with MDD or OCD, tried at least one antidepressant medication, and approved by your physician. Once approved, you may find the nearest clinic to you that administers BrainsWay’s Deep TMS.
The procedures for Deep TMS for depression and OCD are similar*. You are seated in a comfortable chair and fitted with the appropriate helmet (there is an MDD helmet and an OCD helmet). The operator will turn on the device and you will start to hear knocking sounds and feel tapping on your head. You are free to speak, read, or use your phone during the 20-minute treatment session. Patients are able to drive themselves to and from treatment sessions since it does not require anesthesia or hospitalization.
The Deep TMS procedure is simple, convenient and fits into your normal daily routine without interruption. Deep TMS sessions are five times a week for 4-6 weeks and patients can continue biweekly for up to 12 weeks as maintenance. People often report results as early as three weeks into treatment. We are proud to say that BrainsWay Deep TMS is giving people who suffer from MDD and OCD their lives back.
*Deep TMS for OCD includes a short consultation before the session to prompt the patient’s usual symptoms. This helps increase the effectiveness of the stimulation and reduces symptoms.